Life Choices: Messages of Courage and Hope from 26 Inspirational Authors
What Others Are Saying About The Book

How do you put your life back together when it seems to have fallen apart around you? This book is full of personal insights into how to do just that. Learn from the stories of real people who managed to put their lives back on track. It will inspire you to see the light at the end of the tunnel and rush towards it.

Mary Monaghan, Author
Remember Me?
Who Do You Belong To?

When we’re in the midst of despair, “Life Choices: Putting the Pieces Together” gives us hope that there is ALWAYS a way back to glory and everything is fixable with enough strength and faith! This is one book you want to read...a story a day for incredible inspiration!

Jennifer Joseph, Author

This book is about ordinary people succeeding in extraordinary ways, turning tragedy into triumph, seizing the opportunity before it ceases to be one, getting up one more time than you fall. It is filled with creative ideas, strategy and inspiration in the form of life stories that just may strengthen your own resolve to follow the path of ‘Conquistador.’

Doc Blakely, CSP, CPAE, Hall of Fame Professional Speaker

Life Choices is a superb compilation of tales from people who overcame adversity and took control of their lives. The heartfelt stories prove once again what we can accomplish with prayer and a steadfast attitude to never give up.

Peter Fogel, Speaker, Copywriter, Author
If Not Now... Then When? Stories and Strategies of People Over 40 Who Have Successfully Reinvented Themselves

The choices you made and the choices you didn’t have brought you to this point. Since our lives truly are what our choices make them, we have a vital interest in making better choices. Let the compelling stories in this book expand your awareness and help you choose the right path for your life.

Jim Cathcart, Founder, host of,
Author of fifteen books, including: The Acorn Principle

These stories will fill a void of despair with the light of the lives that surround it. Stories of strength, courage and endless faith. Do not pass go; go directly to the cashier and buy it.

Manuel Diotte, Motivational Teacher and Author
Happiness Is A Pair of Shorts

The choices we make along life’s journey can either strengthen or weaken our inner foundations in which all character is built. This book gives first hand accounts of how we are all capable of making those choices that fortify our inner foundations, making way for a fortress of character. I recommend it to all who want to know how to transform “every” life experience into the building tools for such worth while construction projects.

John Michael Stuart, MSW, Author, Perfect Circles: Redefining Perfection

This book draws from human experience that is alternately beautiful, miraculous and uplifting ~ and often all three at once. If you have ever asked yourself can I do this ~ and doubted that you could ~ you must read this book. The people here are real; their stories will answer your question with clarity and force: yes you can!

Gail Cohen, Author, Thinking Outside The Lines,
How To Reach Your Personal Best

WOW! What an awesome reminder of the unseen, quintessential power living inside us! Thank you for sharing your life changing stories with us—it is warm, true and inspirational. It has given me the courage to embrace my “weakness” and my story...for it has made me realize that actually it is my strength!! Life is a Gift! And we get to unwrap it every day—if we choose to...Please choose to!!

Marisa Wollheim, Director, Hospice in the West,
Krugersdorp, South Africa

After reading the stories in “Life Choices” I was uplifted and encouraged. We all have challenges and circumstances in life that are overwhelming. However, we all have the ability to overcome the seemingly impossible of circumstances. By reading these stories you’ll be reminded of the inner strength we all possess and have the courage to evaluate your current situation and make a choice to follow the life you were meant to have.

Peggy S. Vasquez,
Certified Executive Administrative Professional (CEAP)
Executive Assistant to the Laboratory Director
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

At a time in our country when bleakness is prevalent, how uplifting to have a book which shares positive turning points in people’s lives. A most worthwhile read.

Jack Sheehan, Author
Quiet Kingmaker of Las Vegas; The Class of ’47; Skin City

In strange and uncertain times, such as those we now live in, you will find hope and encouragement in this wonderful book.

Patricia Fripp, Past President, National Speakers Association
Author, Get What You Want

So many of us have had situations that befall us and need to take comfort from the stories of others. Life Choices is a comfort and source of support for anyone facing a challenge.

Susan RoAne
Keynote speaker
Author of Face To Face: How To Reclaim The Personal Touch in A Digital World

The conference Judi Moreo put together (Life Choices: The Event) was the most amazing event of it's kind I have ever experienced. I am not a groupy , so the air in the room was new to me. Because of the incredibly diverse group, Judi's experiences and knowledge, there was an appreciation of her and the group knowledge of the speaker's experiences, that was charged with electricity.

Alice Fessenden

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The Book Series:


Life Choices Book: It's Never Too Late
Read more about the book and view contributing author excerpts and bios

Life Choices Book: Pursuiing Your Passion
Read more about the book and view contributing author excerpts and bios

Life Choices Book: Putting The Pieces Together
Read more about the book and view contributing author excerpts and bios

Life Choices Book: Navigating Difficult Paths
Read more about the book and view contributing author excerpts and bios »

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