"Choices! We have choices. They are the source of the success in our lives. When things happen to us, we can choose to believe they happened for a reason. We can discover opportunities in the most difficult experiences if we are willing to look for them. It is what we choose to think about each experience that determines how we respond to it. How we respond determines whether or not we find richer, more purposeful, more joyful lives. We are the only ones who can choose our attitudes and the principles that we live by. Choose well, my friends. Choose well..."
Judi Moreo — Attitude is a Choice
The Life Choices books are a series in which real people share their stories of over-coming obstacles, putting lives back together and following their passions to create successful, significant lives.
While the stories shared differ in context, they share a common thread of courage, hope and fulfillment. No matter what obstacles you encounter, or how many pieces your life is in, there is a way to find a new path, make a new choice and create a better life.
It is through life’s challenges that we find our strength. It is the choices we make along the way that determine whether we remain victims of our circumstance or become victors. There is no such thing as life without struggle. No one comes out of struggle the same as he or she was when it began. Everyone has to make choices between giving up or growing stronger.
In the pages of these books, you will discover how the authors have taken a variety of paths to find their own way back to wholeness and success. May they be the inspiration for you to continue your journey, make new choices and create a new life?
What Others Are Saying About The Books:
At a time in our country when bleakness is prevalent, how uplifting to have a book which shares positive turning points in people’s lives. A most worthwhile read.
Jack Sheehan, Author
Quiet Kingmaker of Las Vegas; The Class of ’47; Skin City
In strange and uncertain times, such as those we now live in, you will find hope and encouragement in this wonderful book.
Patricia Fripp, Past President, National Speakers Association
Author, Get What You Want
